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HS Proficient: 

a.Compare passages in musical selections and explain how the elements of music and context (social, cultural, or historical) inform the response.

HS Accomplished: 

a.Explain how the analysis of the structures and context (social, cultural, and historical) of contrasting musical selections inform the response.

HS Advanced: 

a.Demonstrate and justify how the structural characteristics function within a variety of musical selections, and distinguish how context (social, cultural, and historical) and creative decisions inform the response.

HS Novice: 

a.Demonstrate and explain, citing evidence, the use of repetition, similarities and contrasts in musical selections and how these and knowledge of the context (social or cultural) inform the response.

HS Intermediate: 

a.Describe how the way that the elements of music are manipulated and knowledge of the context (social and cultural) inform the response.