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With substantial guidance, perform music with expression.


a.With guidance, perform music with expression.
b.Perform appropriately for the audience.


a.With limited guidance, perform music for a specific purpose with expression.
b. Perform appropriately for the audience and purpose.


a.Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical accuracy.
b.Perform appropriately for the audience and purpose.


a.Perform music with expression and technical accuracy.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context and venue.


a. Perform music, alone or with others, with expression and technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context, venue, and genre.


a.Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context, venue, genre, and style.


a.Perform the music with technical accuracy to convey the creator’s intent.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue and purpose.


a.Perform the music with technical accuracy and stylistic expression to convey the creator’s intent.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose, and context.


a.Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic expression, and culturally authentic practices in music to convey the creator’s intent.
b.Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose, context, and style.