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a.With guidance, form ideas into plans or models for media arts productions.
a.With guidance, use ideas to form plans or models for media arts productions.
a.With guidance, use identified ideas to form plans and models for media arts productions.
a.Choose ideas to create plans and models for media arts productions.
a.Form, share, and test ideas, plans, and models to prepare for media arts productions.
a.Discuss, test, and assemble ideas, plans, and models for media arts productions, considering the artistic goals and the presentation.
a.Develop, present, and test ideas, plans, models, and proposals for media arts productions, considering the artistic goals and audience.
a.Organize, propose, and evaluate artistic ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions, considering purposeful intent.
a.Design, propose, and evaluate artistic ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions, considering expressive intent and resources.
a.Structure and critique ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions, considering intent, resources, and the presentation context.
HS Proficient: 
a.aesthetic criteria in developing, proposing, and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions, considering original inspirations, goals, and presentation context.
HS Accomplished: 
a.Apply a personal aesthetic in designing, testing, and refining original artistic ideas, prototypes, and production strategies for media arts productions, considering artistic intentions, constraints of resources, and presentation context.
HS Advanced: 
a. Integrate a sophisticated personal aesthetic and knowledge of systems processes in forming, testing, and proposing original artistic ideas, prototypes, and production frameworks, considering complex constraints of goals, time, resources, and personal limitations.