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a.Find a movement in a dance that was fun to watch. Repeat it and explain why it is fun to watch and do.
a.Find a movement that was noticed in a dance. Demonstrate the movement that was noticed and explain why it attracted attention.
a.Identify and demonstrate several movements in a dance that attracted attention. Describe the characteristics that make the movements interesting and talk about why they were chosen.
a.Observe or demonstrate dances from a genre or culture. Discuss movements and other aspects of the dances that make the dances work well, and explain why they work. Use simple dance terminology.
a. Select dance movements from specific genres, styles, or cultures. Identify characteristic movements from these dances and describe in basic dance terminology ways in which they are alike and different.
a.Discuss and demonstrate the characteristics that make a dance artistic and apply those characteristics to dances observed or performed in a specific genre, style, or cultural movement practice. Use basic dance terminology.
a.Define the characteristics of dance that make a dance artistic and meaningful. Relate them to the elements of dance in genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use basic dance terminology to describe characteristics that make a dance artistic and meaningful.
a.Discuss the characteristics and artistic intent of a dance from a genre, style, or cultural movement practice and develop artistic criteria to critique the dance using genre-specific dance terminology.
a.Compare artistic intent, content and context from dances to examine the characteristics of genre, style, or cultural movement practice. Based on the comparison, refine artistic criteria using genre-specific dance terminology.
a.Use artistic criteria to determine what makes an effective performance. Consider content, context, genre, style, or cultural movement practice to comprehend artistic expression. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
HS Proficient: 
a.Analyze the artistic expression of a dance. Discuss insights using evaluative criteria and dance terminology.
HS Accomplished: 
a.Compare and contrast two or more dances using evaluative criteria to critique artistic expression. Consider societal values and a range of perspectives. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
HS Advanced : 
a.Define personal artistic preferences to critique dance. Consider societal and personal values, and a range of artistic expression. Discuss perspectives with peers and justify views.