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a.Make and capture media arts content, freely and in guided practice, in media arts productions. b.Attempt and share expressive effects, freely and in guided practice, in creating media artworks.
a.Form and capture media arts content for expression and meaning in media arts productions. b.Make changes to the content, form, or presentation of media artworks and share results.
a.Create, capture, and assemble media arts content for media arts productions, identifying basic principles, such as pattern and repetition. b.Practice and identify the effects of making changes to the content, form, or presentation, in order to refine and finish media artworks.
a.Construct and assemble content for unified media arts productions, identifying and applying basic principles, such as positioning and attention. b.Test and describe expressive effects in altering, refining, and completing media artworks.
a.Construct and order various content into unified, purposeful media arts productions, describing and applying a defined set of principles, such as movement and force. b.Practice and analyze how the emphasis of elements alters effect and purpose in refining and completing media artworks.
a.Structure and arrange various content and components to convey purpose and meaning in different media arts productions, applying sets of associated principles, such as balance and contrast. b.Demonstrate intentional effect in refining media artworks, emphasizing elements for a purpose.
a.Create content and combine components to convey expression, purpose, and meaning in a variety of media arts productions, utilizing sets of associated principles, such as emphasis and exaggeration. b.Determine how elements and components can be altered for clear communication and intentional effects, and refine media artworks to improve clarity and purpose.
a.Experiment with multiple approaches to produce content and components for determined purpose and meaning in media arts productions, utilizing a range of associated principles, such as point of view and perspective. b.Appraise how elements and components can be altered for intentional effects and audience, and refine media artworks to reflect purpose and audience.
a.Coordinate production processes to integrate content and components for determined purpose and meaning in media arts productions, demonstrating understanding of associated principles, such as narrative structures and composition. b.Improve and refine media artworks by intentionally emphasizing particular expressive elements to reflect an understanding of purpose, audience, or place.
a.Implement production processes to integrate content and stylistic conventions for determined meaning in media arts productions, demonstrating understanding of associated principles, such as theme and unity. b.Refine and modify media artworks, improving technical quality and intentionally accentuating selected expressive and stylistic elements, to reflect an understanding of purpose, audience, and place.
HS Proficient: 
a.Consolidate production processes to demonstrate deliberate choices in organizing and integrating content and stylistic conventions in media arts productions, demonstrating understanding of associated principles, such as emphasis and tone. b.Refine and modify media artworks, honing aesthetic quality and intentionally accentuating stylistic elements, to reflect an understanding of personal goals and preferences.
HS Accomplished: 
a.Consolidate production processes to demonstrate deliberate choices in organizing and integrating content and stylistic conventions in media arts production, demonstrating understanding of associated principles, such as continuity and juxtaposition. b.Refine and elaborate aesthetic elements and technical components to intentionally form impactful expressions in media artworks for specific purposes, intentions, audiences and contexts.
HS Advanced: 
a.Synthesize content, processes, and components to express compelling purpose, story, emotion, or ideas in complex media arts productions, demonstrating mastery of associated principles, such as hybridization. b.Intentionally and consistently refine and elaborate elements and components to form impactful expressions in media artworks, directed at specific purposes, audiences, and contexts.