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a.Identify a movement in a dance by repeating it. b.Demonstrate an observed or performed dance movement.
a.Find a movement that repeats in a dance. b.Demonstrate or describe observed or performed dance movements
a.Find a movement that repeats in a dance to make a pattern. b.Demonstrate and describe observed or performed dance movements from a specific genre or culture
a.Find movements in a dance that develop a pattern. b.Demonstrate and describe movements in dances from different genres or cultures.
a. Find a movement pattern that creates a movement phrase in a dance work. b.Demonstrate and explain how one dance genre is different from another, or how one cultural movement practice is different from another.
a. Find patterns of movement in dance works that create a style or theme. b.Demonstrate and explain how dance styles differ within a genre or within a cultural movement practice.
a. Find meaning or artistic intent from the patterns of movement in a dance work. b.Describe, using basic dance terminology, the qualities and characteristics of style used in a dance from one’s own cultural movement practice. Compare them to the qualities and characteristics of style found in a different dance genre, style, or cultural movement practice, also using basic dance terminology.
a.Describe or demonstrate recurring patterns of movement and their relationships in dance. b.Explain how the elements of dance are used in a variety of dance genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
a.Compare, contrast, and discuss patterns of movement and their relationships in dance. b.Compare and contrast how the elements of dance are used in a variety of genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
a.Describe, demonstrate and discuss patterns of movement and their relationships in dance in context of artistic intent. b. Explain how the elements of dance are used in a variety of genres, styles, or cultural movement practices to communicate intent. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
HS Proficient: 
a.Analyze recurring patterns of movement and their relationships in dance in context of artistic intent. b.Analyze the use of elements of dance in a variety of genres, styles, or cultural movement practices within its cultural context to communicate intent. Use genre-specific dance terminology
HS Accomplished: 
a.Analyze dance works and provide examples of recurring patterns of movement and their relationships that create structure and meaning in dance. b.Analyze and compare the movement patterns and their relationships in a variety of genres, styles, or cultural movement practices and explain how their differences impact communication and intent within a cultural context. Use genre-specific dance terminology.
HS Advanced : 
a.Analyze dance works from a variety of dance genres and styles and explain how recurring patterns of movement and their relationships create well-structured and meaningful choreography. b.Explain how dance communicates aesthetic and cultural values in a variety of genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use genre-specific dance terminology