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With substantial guidance, demonstrate and state preference for varied musical selections.


With guidance, demonstrate and state personal interest in varied musical selections.


With limited guidance, demonstrate and discuss personal interest in, knowledge about, and purpose of varied musical selections.


Demonstrate and explain personal interest in, knowledge about, and purpose of varied musical selections.


Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, purpose, and context.


Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, context, and technical skill.


Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, and context, as well as their personal and others’ technical skill.


Apply teacher-provided criteria for selecting music to perform for a specific purpose and/or context, and explain why each was chosen


Apply collaboratively-developed criteria for selecting music of contrasting styles for a program with a specific purpose and/or context and, after discussion, identify expressive qualities, technical challenges, and reasons for choices.


Apply personally-developed criteria for selecting music of contrasting styles for a program with a specific purpose and/or context, and explain expressive qualities, technical challenges, and reasons for choices.