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With substantial guidance, share revised personal musical ideas with peers.


With guidance, demonstrate a final version of personal musical ideas to peers.


With limited guidance, convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.


Convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.


Present the final version of personal created music to others, and describe connection to expressive intent.


Present the final version of personal created music to others, and explain connection to expressive intent.


Present the final version of personal created music to others that demonstrates craftsmanship, and explain connection to expressive intent.


Present the final version of their documented personal composition or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive intent.


Present the final version of their personal documented personal composition, song, or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate unity and variety, and convey expressive intent.


Present the final version of their documented composition, song, or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate the application of compositional techniques for creating unity and variety, tension and release, and balance to convey expressive intent.