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a. With substantial guidance, consider personal, peer, and teacher feedback when demonstrating and refining personal musical ideas.


a.With guidance, apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback in refining personal musical ideas.


a. With limited guidance, discuss and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to refine personal musical ideas.


a. Interpret and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to revise personal music.


a.Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal musical ideas, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback.


a.Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback to show improvement over time.


a.Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback, and explain rationale for changes.


a.Evaluate their own work, applying teacher-provided criteria such as application of selected elements of music, and use of sound sources.
b.Describe the rationale for making revisions to the music based on evaluation criteria and feedback from their teacher.


a.Evaluate their own work, applying selected criteria such as appropriate application of elements of music including style, form, and use of sound sources.
b.Describe the rationale for making revisions to the music based on evaluation criteria and feedback from others (teacher and peers).


a.Evaluate their own work by selecting and applying criteria including appropriate application of compositional techniques, style, form, and use of sound sources.
b.Describe the rationale for refining works by explaining the choices, based on evaluation criteria.