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HS Proficient: 

a. Assemble and organize sounds or short musical ideas to create initial expressions of selected experiences, moods, images, or storylines.
b. Identify and describe the development of sounds or short musical ideas in drafts of music within simple forms (such as one-part, cyclical, or binary).

HS Accomplished: 

a. Assemble and organize multiple sounds or musical ideas to create initial expressive statements of selected sonic events, memories, images, concepts, texts, or storylines.
b. Describe and explain the development of sounds and musical ideas in drafts of music within a variety of simple or moderately complex forms (such as binary, rondo, or ternary).

HS Advanced: 

a. Assemble and organize multiple sounds or extended musical ideas to create initial expressive statements of selected extended sonic experiences or abstract ideas.
b. Analyze and demonstrate the development of sounds and extended musical ideas in drafts of music within a variety of moderately complex or complex forms.