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Engage in self-directed, creative making.
Engage collaboratively in creative art-making in response to an artistic problem.
Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.
Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate personal ideas through the art-making process.
Collaboratively set goals and create artwork that is meaningful and has purpose to the makers.
Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art.
Formulate an artistic investigation of personally relevant content for creating art.
Develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identified goal.
Collaboratively shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a contemporary practice of art and design.
HS Proficient: 
Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a contemporary practice of art or design.
HS Accomplished: 
Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design.
HS Advanced: 
Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices, following or breaking established conventions, to plan the making of multiple works of art and design based on a theme, idea, or concept.